Palm Springs Bachelorette with ManServants

Palm Springs Bachelorette with ManServants

If you’re planning a bachelorette (or a birthday or any other event), do everyone a favor and get some ManServants! We got it for Janet’s bachelorette and it was the greatest decision ever. Our ManServant was a total gentleman. He was super proactive in making sure our needs were met and even addressed needs we didn’t even know we had. All while looking good in a suit. This experience left me wishing for my very own real life manservant.

What are ManServants?

ManServants is a service that sends gentlemen in suits to treat women like queens. The men can mix & serve you drinks, feed you food, take your photos, and anything else your heart desires. You also get to pick his name. We chose ‘Nelly’ because Janet’s fiancΓ© is Nelson. ManServants are available in Southern California and New York.

Our ManServants Experience

On the day of the event, I got a text message saying I would be able to communicate with my ManServant on this number and to leave any instructions prior to his arrival. We had booked our ManServant from 3pm-5pm. He showed up to our hotel on time and knocked on our door. We, however, were still getting ready so we didn’t answer the door. Janet didn’t know we were getting her a ManServant so luckily he didn’t say anything at the door and we pretended like it was just housekeeping. I texted him that we’ll be heading to the pool shortly and to meet us there instead. When we got down to the pool, we didn’t see our ManServant, but then he comes and surprises us. He walks over to Janet and says “Hi I’m Nelly, your ManServant.” It was pretty funny.

First Order of Business – Finding us sunchairs

We walk into the pool area and Nelly anticipates that we’re looking for a spot to sit, so he asks if we’re in the mood for sun or shade, and then looks for a spot with 4 open chairs. Luckily we were able to score a sunbed with a little bit of shade and a little bit of sun. We have Nelly take some pictures with us because 1. he’s cute and 2. we’re not used to having a ManServant so not quite sure what we want him to do.

Inflating our floatie

Nelly was really good at figuring out what we needed. We were going to go to the bar to order drinks, but he told us he can do that and brought us some menus. We were also going to inflate our floatie, but he told us to relax and he’ll do it for us. So we just relaxed on our sunbed while giggling. I’m like I can get used to this.

Providing us some shade

The weather in Palm Springs was warm and sunny. It was perfect for floating in the pool. However, it got pretty hot and we needed some shade. Nelly brought a parasol that gave us a break from the sun for a bit.

Feeding us fruit / serving us drinks

Because why eat fruit by ourselves, when Nelly can feed us?

Applying on sunscreen

Part way through, Nelly helped us reapply sunscreen. No need for us to get our hands sticky.

Helping us get on the floaties

Floaties are pretty hard to get on, especially when 3 people want to be on the same floaty. Nelly held down the floatie for us and made sure it didn’t tip over while we all got on.

Taking photos for us

We wanted some pool photos, so Nelly changed into his swim trunks so that way he could take photos in the pool.

Last, but not least, being eye candy

Need I say more?

So I definitely recommend getting some ManServants for your next event! And invite me πŸ˜€

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